SDMGMA Committees

If you are interested in learning more about a committee or would like to become active with one or have questions about the SDMGMA Political Action Committee please contact the committee chair.

SDMGMA PAC and Governance - Scott Duke

SDMGMA Education - Justin Garry

SDMGMA Technology - Justin Garry

SDMGMA Education Committee - Serving on the Education Committee is an important role in planning timely topics and presenters at the annual spring and fall conferences.  The committee also plans the networking portions of the conferences. Your expertise working day to day in your practice is the best qualification to serve on this committee.  The committee is also involved in planning and securing presenters for webinars for members. If you are interested in serving on this committee or have questions, contact Justin Garry, Interim Chair. 

SDMGMA Government and Legislative Affairs Committee - Participating in advocacy is one of the most important ways that group practice executives can influence positive change in the healthcare industry. As an expert on medical group practice issues, you are uniquely positioned to have a voice in both the state legislature and federal issues. If you are interested in serving on this committee or have any questions throughout the year, contact Scott Duke, SDGMA Legislative Liaison.

SDMGMA 3rd Party Liaison and Carrier Advisory Committee - This committee plans the annual 3rd Party Payer & TPA Day. The goal of this event is to bring together clinic staff members who are involved in the billing/claims/credentialing processes and representatives of the major payers and TPAs to share ideas on making processes and communication more efficient for all parties and to offer opportunities for networking between payer and clinic staff. If you are interested in serving on this committee or have questions, contact Justin Garry, Interim Chair.

Contact Us

South Dakota Medical Group Management Association
2600 W. 49th St. Suite 100
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

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